Children as victims of enforced disappearances
Time & Location
Jan 16, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM GMT+1
CICG I Room P. E (and online), Rue de Varembé 17, 1211 Genève, Switzerland
About the session
This session aims at learning from direct experience and identify actions and strategies to address the impact of enforced disappearance on children (including transgenerational), prevent enforced disappearance of children and protect their right to identity, including in the context of illegal adoptions resulting from enforced disappearance.
Grażyna BARANOWSKA, UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID), Vice-Chair, Poland
Maria Giovanna BIANCHI, Psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, Switzerland
Mariela SR/Coline FANON, Fondation Racines Perdues-Raíces Perdidas, President, Belgium/Guatemala
Swastika MALI, Advocacy Forum-Nepal, Paralegal, Nepal
Ismail Moussa ISMAIL, Eritrea Coordination for Human Rights, Eritrea/United Kingdom
Martin MOZE, H.I.J.O.S. (Hijas e hijos por la identidad y la justicia contra el olvido y el silencio) – Red por el derecho a la identidad Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo Barcelona, Coordinator, Argentina